Cidinha da Silva

Brazilian black and lesbian writer, historian, researcher and intellectual. Her books address topics such as Africanities and the place of black men and women in Brazil.

Cidinha was born in 1967 in Belo Horizonte. Since childhood, she was interested in literature, but chose to study history at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). She has published theses and articles that deal with her main fictional themes such as the place of black men and women and the cultural and spiritual traditions of African roots.

Cidinha has already had works translated into English, Spanish, Catalan, French and Italian and makes Afro-Brazilian culture an exporter of culture. Her books have received prestige and awards in Brazil and around the world. Explosão feminista, an essay she co-authored, was nominated for the Jabuti Prize, and her book of short stories, Um exu em Nova York, won the National Library prize.

In the book, Cidinha deals with the black diaspora. African cultures and traditions are the common thread for the situation of black people in different parts of the world. With the translation of the book into several languages, its reading and the construction of its meaning expand, reaching an international dimension.

In addition to books, Cidinha also writes plays, such as Sangoma: Saúde às Mulheres Negras and Engravidei, pari cavalos e aprendi a voar sem asas. As in the books, in her plays Cidinha also seeks Afro-Brazilian themes, rescues stories little portrayed in critical and current stagings.

Cidinha also writes about society and politics. In addition to her blog about current events, she has two non-fiction works about the situation of black populations in Brazil and has reference works for Capes, the federal agency for higher education in Brazil.

Between books and theses, she fulfils her desire to portray and study the relationships between Africanities, Brazil and the world.



CIDINHA DA SILVA – Literatura afro-brasileira. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dez. 2022.

CIDINHA DA SILVA – Um exu em Nova York – Literatura afro-brasileira. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dez. 2022.