Ana Cesar

Poet, literary critic, intellectual, English-Portuguese translator, and one of the main exponents of “marginal poetry” in São Paulo in the 1970s.

Ana was born in 1952 and had early contact with literature which influenced her writing. Daughter of sociologist Waldo Cesar and literature teacher Maria Luiza Cruz, Ana began to think about poetry even before becoming literate. At the age of six, she already created and dictated poems for her mother to write.

At the age of eighteen, Ana spent a period in England thanks to a scholarship from the Rotary Foundation. There, she fell in love with the English language through the works of Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath and Katherine Mansfield, among others.

Such was the connection with English that she became a translator. In the process, she did a little more than translating, recreating the works from her point of view as a Brazilian woman.

In addition to translating, Ana was also the author of poems and poetic prose in alternative newspapers. She developed an informal and brutal style that mixed fiction with autobiography. In 1979, she published her first book, Cenas de Abril.

While writing poetry, she became an academic and graduated in Letters from PUC-RJ. She did her master’s degree in communication at UFRJ and another in literary translation at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom. All of this while carrying out research in literature.

In 1982, Ana published the book A teus pés in which she does not hide the influences of the English language and British culture. The result was hybrid poetry connecting languages ​​and cultures. After publishing this work, she declared to the press: “… English is so much part of people’s lives. Lyrics, rock, baby… English became incorporated a little, it entered our lives”.

Ana died in October 1983 at the age of 31. Despite her short life, she left a history and legacy capable of inspiring generations.


GOMES, Adriana de Freitas. Ana Cristina Cesar – tradução como exercício de recriação. Revista Gatilho – Revista discente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística da UFJF. Juiz de Fora, MG, Brasil,  ISSN: 1517-6436 e-ISSN: 1808-9461.

INSTITUTO MOREIRA SALLES. Acervo Ana Cristina Cesar no IMS. Acesso em: 9 dez. 2022.

PISANI GLEIZE, L. Ecos ingleses em A Teus Pés, fe Ana Cristina César. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 dez. 2022.

SANCHES, C. et al. Ana Cristina Cesar: uma análise da estética confessional e do jogo de linguagem de uma poetisa marginal. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 dez. 2022.